Sunday, November 20, 2011

My Fav Cartoon: The Barbapapas

My absolutely fav cartoon right now are the Barbapapa...I love them so much. Fortunately for me there are tons of episodes you can watch for free on YouTube. So I borrow my mum’s laptop and I watch a lot of their adventures.
Sometimes their are in different languages: French, German, Spanish, Dutch, etc...but I don’t care if I can’t understand the words because I always figure out the plot.
But since I’m pretty smart I’ve learned the Barbapapa’s gingle in almost all the languages!

My absolutely favorite charachter is Barbamum because she’s the prettiest. While my sister Marghe prefers Barbalib because she’s orange and full of wisdom!

1 comment:

  1. This also used to be my fav cartoon when I was a kid!

    <3 <3 <3

